Oral Presentation
Abstract text should be written in the relevant field in the abstract submission system.
The abstract text should be 200 to 500 words in length.
The abstract must be written in both Turkish and English.
If abbreviations are used in the abstract, the explicit form of the abbreviation should be indicated in parentheses.
The abstract should include the purpose, method, findings and conclusions of the study (subheadings should not be used).
At least 2 and at most 4 keywords should be given for the study.
A participant can take part as an author in a maximum of 3 papers (only 2 papers if single authored).
Paper presentation times will be limited to a maximum of 15 minutes.
The presentation language can be Turkish or English.
Poster Paper
Poster presentations can be prepared in Turkish or English.
Poster presentations should be made on this template in accordance with the poster presentation template provided on the symposium website. Posters should include introduction, aim of the research, findings, results and recommendations, and references.
The poster should be prepared using Times New Roman font. Poster text, tables and drawings should be designed to be easily readable from a distance of 2 meters and using 1.5 line spacing.
Since the area where the poster will be hung is 70 x 90, the poster must be prepared in accordance with these dimensions.
Poster holders will have their posters printed by themselves.
The presentation date, venue and presentation details of the selected posters will be notified to the presenter on the symposium page.
Posters will remain hanging during the symposium. Each poster holder should be present next to their posters during the poster session and provide information about their work.
The necessary materials for hanging the posters will be provided by the staff in the poster area. The organizing committee is not responsible for any damages that may occur during the hanging or removal of the poster.
Posters will be removed by the poster owners at the end of the specified period.